Peanut Butter Protein Bar - بروتين بار زبدة فول سوداني
Protein bar is a snack that is rich with many natural healthy ingredients and helps in providing the body with the required energy with low calories in several flavors that suit everyone.
Peanut butter helps in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and aids in preventing cancer, promotes the growth of bones and muscles.
100% whey protein ١٠٠٪ واي بروتين
30% protein per bar ٣٠٪ بروتين
Low calories سعرات حرارية قليلة
Nutrition Facts
Calories(Energy) |
189 KCAL |
Total Fats | 5 g |
Saturated Fats | 0.7 g |
Carbohydrates | 14 g |
Fibers | 2 g |
Protein | 22 g |
Sodium | Less than 2400 mg |